One day in the summer we got an invitation to the presentation of the new platform "Mädchenflohmarkt", it almost works like "Kleiderkreisel", but it only sells high quality products and always verifies the payment and the dispatch of an order. So you can easily send them some of your old clothes (who have to be still in a good condition), they wrap it up and send it for you to the buyer. I really like the idea of "Mädchenflohmarkt" who not only sell really beautiful pieces, but also do something against the thinking of wastefulness of our generation. If you don`t like your old yellow pencil skirt with those big blue flowers anymore, doesn`t has to say that somebody else might not be interested in. Maybe exact that old skirt can really make somebodys day... I also love their webpage where they`re not just selling and presenting clothes, but also show the wardrobes of known people in fashion szene like photographers, bloggers or boutique owners for example. It`s always a big inspiration for me to visit their site.
It also was a really nice afternoon we spent at the "White Rabbit", a small café in Munich, where "Mädchenflohmarkt" presented some of their articles of clothing. I talked to a lot of interesting women who work for fashion magazines like the fashion assisant of the german Vogue etc.
The menu was by the way also very delicious :)
I hope you find the time to scroll through the different offers on http://www.maedchenflohmarkt.de/ and enjoy the rest of your sunday and have a wonderful start in the week!
xx Lena

It seems really long ago that I posted the last time but there were so many things going on I couldn`t tell... But I promised to talk a little bit `bout my internship. So here I go: I absolutely loved it. There is nothing to say but this. My colleagues were amazing, we had such a good time together. Almost every second day we drank champagne after work just to celebrate our end of the work day or sometimes just ourselves. There was a great atmosphere all the time and I could really see how everybody loves its job there. It wasn`t only a job for them, but it was their Passion and they loved it. Not always of course, but most of the time. Working at a Fashion Magazine is the most incredible experience I ever made. My boss, who by the way was the most amazing woman I ever met, gave me a lot of responsibility and I always had a lot to do. Although I "only" was a trainee, I realised many interviews with starlets (among others Jürgen Vogel lol :), Fashion and Beauty Shootings and helped often at the Organisation of productions. All in all I loved it. But I already mentioned that I think ;) On the first picture you can see my favourite mate ever. Nicole who was an absolute fantastic listener and best smoking buddy you can imagine. Even now, six months after the end of my internship we`re staying in touch. On the second picture all my loved colleagues are together. It originated at the good-bye-party my boss threw because of the end of my internship. How I already said she was amazing, you can see her on the last Picture (right). With an amazing career, two sugarcute kiddies, a lovely husband, an incredibly beautiful flat in Munich and the most open-minded and creative mind this woman achieved everything I want in life... The redheaded girl next to me is Julia, the most lovely styling assistent I ever saw. Beside work we become good friends and she was the one which who I explored my true taste in music and my passion for electro festivals in beach locations in Munich. Summarizing I just want to say: THANK YOU you all for this amazing time!
xx Lena