Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

Simple but sexy

High Heels: Zara
Jeans: Gstar Raw
Top: H&M

Ich wollte nun endlich mal wieder einen Artikel auf Deutsch verfassen, für mich leichter zu schreiben, für euch leichter zu verstehen! Mein Outfit heute ist einfach, aber sexy, für alle die, die kein Englisch sprechen ;) Ich liebe die Jeans von Gstar Raw, die im Orginal über 300 € kostet, die ich aber in einem Outlet in der Nähe von München für nur 80 € erstanden habe. Nun zu den wichtigeren Themen. Seit über einem Monat wohne ich nun schon in München und diese Stadt hat mich völlig gefangen genommen. Natürlich ist es kein London, aber es hat seinen eigenen Charme. Seinen eigenen unwiderstehlichen Charme sogar. Ich war positiver überrascht als ich es erwartet hatte. Wildfremde Menschen plaudern mit dir im Bus über deinen und ihren Tag, Kaffeverkäufer verschenken zur heißen Schokolade ihren letzten Donut und meine Kollegen in der Moderedaktion sind die Besten überhaupt. Von wegen "Schnips und du bist raus", "Verwechsle niemals Berufliches und Privates", "Vertraue deinen Kollegen niemals persönliche Geheimnisse an". Bei uns wird mittags zusammen gekocht, es wird sich immer über das Wohlbefinden aller erkundigt und es wird herrlich viel getrascht. Die ganze Etage, nein das ganze Gebäude, welches Madame, Mädchen, Hommes, Inside und Jolie beeinhaltet duftet geradezu nach Innovation, frischen Ideen und Stilbewusstsein. Egal welchen Trend ich in den Magazinen erspähe, ich wusste es schon einen Tag vorher. Was bei uns getragen wird, ist nächste Woche in. Was bei uns schon längst verjäht ist, ist erst seit letzter Woche out. Ich liebe diese Luft in unserer Etage, wo immer wieder neue Trends in den kreativen Köpfen all unsrer Redakteurinnen entstehen und wieder entdeckt werden. Es ist eine Atmosphäre, die einen selbst beflügelt und inspiriert. Ich verspreche in den kommenden Wochen mehr davon einzufangen und hier darüber zu berichten. In diesem Sinne, genießt die wundervolle Frühlingssonne!
xx Lena

Dienstag, 8. April 2014

Mixing and tricking

                                                                                 top: h&m
                                                                            jeggins: primark
                                                                        shoes: tommy hilfiger
                                                                              coat: asos
                                                                              1st bag: h&m
                                                                       2nd bag: accessorize
                                                                            neclace: zara

Now it`s definitively time for a post again. It`s one of my absolute favourite outfits because of its comfiness and coolness at the same time. If it`s too cold I just put on my lovely coat from asos which is in my opinion really beautiful. It was totally worth its 107 Euros. I always try to mix expensive brands and cheap brands like Tommy Hilfiger sneakers with a primark jeggins. Nobody knows and I don`t really care if it`s not that good quality at Primark. It`s a super good price and whenever this jeggins is broken, I have to replace it which is not really a big problem ;) I don`t blame somebody for only going shooping at Primark or H&M, I think they really have some nice pieces. Almost every time I go to H&M I always find at least one thing. I`m sure some of you do so, too. I hope you`re all fine. 
One week ago I started my internship at Vision Media, it`s a big publisher for lots of magazines like "Jolie", my absolute favourite magazines of all. It`s like my dream job to work there and meet all these amazing people and make great new experiences. I try to post now more often and I really try to give my best to keep you in the loop. 
Have a beautiful week.
xx Lena

Freitag, 4. April 2014



it was a very spontaneous decision to go to Riga. First of all you surely ask, why the hell Riga? And where the hell is Riga at all? It`s in Latvia :) I didn`t know it before that trip, too. But it`s a really nice city to visit. Since a few years it got more and more famous and now it became even the European Cultural Capital of the year 2014. But still Riga is quite not touristy with only 690 000 inhabitans and that`s really enjoyable, almost all the streets and popular places were quite and not too overcrowded. Compared to Paris or Venezia I really enjoyed this silence.
The whole trip started when I read about Riga and found a really cheap flight to the city. So after two weeks my best girlfriend and me, we booked a hostel and our flights. After all we must say it was a great trip.
So the most important and beautiful places for me are definitely the oldtown with all its beautiful little colorful houses, including the Riga City Council, the Riga castle, the Livu place and the freedom monument. What I really can consider you is the breathtaking view from St. Peters Church, the first three pictures are made there. But also you have to go to "Alberta iela" and "Elisabetes iela" where you can find the largest and finest collection of art nouveau buildings in the world (!). For culture freaks it` s the dream but also for young people there is a lot to see. 
The oldtown with all its nice and comfy pubs and bars is great for the evenings and at the port there are two absolutely fancy restaurants which are also cool clubs the later the night. They`re called "Aqua Luna" and "Koya". For good traditional latvian food and a nice atmosphere you have to go to "Lido" , found at almost every corner in Riga. For one day it`s worth going to "Jurmala", the Baltic Sea relaxation place at the beach and you don`t have to be afraid because of the money, Riga is still quite cheap... a beer is only 3 € and a ticket for the train sometimes only 1 €. I loved it!!!
For shooping Riga is not that perfect but they have a lot shooping galleries with nice shops f. ex. Zara, Mango, H&M, Bershka or PullandBear, so you`re not completely lost.
There is this funny fact that there are twice as much latvian girls than boys and while walking through the big parks or in the evenings in the pubs you can really see the very stylish and pretty girls who all try to look the best for catching one of the rare male specimen. 
The weather was also not that bad as expected, it was nice and warm so I just can recommend a weekend-trip to this beautiful little city, especially in the summer when all the nice rooftop bars are open. I hope I could inspire some of you.

Have a lovely weekend. 
xx Lena

Samstag, 8. März 2014

Winter sun

 coat: topshop
belt: mango 

                                               high heels: h&m
                                                   pants: mango
                                                  purse: h&m 
                                       grey shirt: american apparell
                                                 chain: primark

When the winter sun shines, I`m more happier than ever. This is the perfect match for me: grey and black and gold. The golden accessoires like the belt from mango, the chain from primark or the handles of the purse are like statements on the outfit and work as eye-catcher. At the moment I really like the golden chain because with it you can enhance every outfit, so I`m pretty sure you will see it more often the next time. In my mind you need some basics like this grey shirt or the black purse which fits to almost everything. Also the chain as a basic accessoire is absolutely essential. So enough talk. I wish you a beautiful weekend, enjoy the sun :)
xx Lena

Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

New Coat



                                            coat: asos
                                            bag: accessorize
                                           shirt: zara
                                          high heels: h&m

At the end of december I bought this beautiful jacket on asos. As you know I love asos. This jacket is just so comfortable and for warm and cool days at the same time. With its two colours, black and dark blue, it fits to almost everything and with its cheeky zipper, it`s kind of exciting. The bag is also quite new in my wardrobe and the perfect match to the coat. I bought it at accessorize, which is one of my favourite stores at all. I hope you enjoy carneval as much as I do. Have a wonderful evening.
xx Lena